This lab was centered on creating a geodatabase with custom
defined domains for different data types. This database was then downloaded to
a handheld GPS unit and used to collect weather observations around the UWEC
campus mall.
This geodatabase needed to store domain information for a
feature class with custom made fields to store microclimate information; for
example, temperature, dew point, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind
direction are all examples of the data types collected. For each attribute it
was necessary to set a domain or subtype to normalize the data across multiple
surveyors. An example of a domain would include setting a range for the wind
speed field; it would be outrageous to accept a wind speed of -2 or 6666666, so
the range was set to only accept values between 0 and 60, inclusive. The other
type of domain setting was for a coded index domain, essentially an attribute
field where there are a few predefined choices available for use.
Field Name
Data Type
Domain Type
Group Number
Coded Values
Point Number
Short Integer
Range: 1 to 100
Range: 15 to 60
Dew Point
Range: -20 to 100
Relative Humidity
Range: 1 to 100
Wind Speed
Range: 0 to 60
Cardinal Wind Direction
Coded Values
Azimuthal Wind Direction
Short Integer
Range: 0 to 360
Table 1. All domains and associated data types used to
create this geodatabase. Note that Dew point has a range that was changed to a
negative value.
An example of this
was from the group number attribute; allowing the user to only select from a
pre-defined list of options. After entering domains, we tested the
functionality of the geodatabase and feature data set described earlier by
importing it to a Trimble Juno GPS unit set up to run ESRI’s ArcPad GPS program.
Observations were collected from the UWEC Campus Mall, an area roughly 500 by
200 feet in the center of the UWEC campus located in Wisconsin. Using the GPS
unit and a Kestrel 3000 wind meter, a handheld weather monitoring device
capable of collecting all required data, a couple points were created and the
attribute table was populated.
When entering data points to the feature dataset it became
apparent that several adjustments were needed; for example, the dew point
attribute domain needed to have an extended range as several dew point
measurements had negative values. Because of this the correct value wasn’t able
to be entered for the points in the dew point field. All other fields worked
well with the domains being set up for the weather present on that particular
day. Unfortunately there were only two points collected for the time that was allotted
for data collection. This was due to the fact that the GPS unit I was assigned failed
to acquire a strong enough signal from satellites meaning that what points I did
collect were recorded as being several kilometers south of where they should
have been.
During this lab the processes required to create a geodatabase
with relevant range and coded value domains were completed. From here it was a
relatively simple process to export this geodatabase with its point feature
class into a Trimble Juno GPS unit for a short test. During the test it was apparent
that the domain range for the dew point attribute needed to be extended and
that one cannot always trust their equipment to work correctly once in the
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